
We build and enable companies that improve the world around us.

We turn science into culture.

Welcome to Squared Circles.

Consumer entrepreneurship is entering a golden age driven by seismic shifts in cultural norms, consumer demographics and paradigms for brand & product innovation. As such, there has never been a more exciting time to launch innovative and exciting consumer products.

Squared Circles is a consumer-first venture studio, residing at the intersection of science and culture, that redesigns everyday consumer products to be better for you and our planet.

The Conscious Maximalist™

The pandemic spurred a shift in consumer attitude greater than any other time in history and gave rise to an audience we call the Conscious Maximalist™ - they don't believe in choosing between having a better experience and doing better for the planet - they want both. It is at the intersection of this tension where we see an unparalleled opportunity for innovation.

Food & Beverage
Squared Circles is like The Commission. We chop it up at the round table, align on the mission and map out the vision. Then it’s off to the Kitchen.
Jon Gray, Founder Ghetto Gastro
Our Portfolio
Health & Welness
The team at Squared Circles are deeply talented and I see them as a true extension of my leadership team. They've pushed me and my team to build, scale and grow faster than we ever imagined.
Giorgos Tsetis, C.E.O. Founder Nutrafol
Our Portfolio
Food & Beverage
As my Co-Founders, they've coached me personally and professionally through the toughest periods of building Algae Cooking Club and helped me become a more resilient and thoughtful leader and to build a world class business.
Kas Saidi, C.E.O. Co-Founder Algae Cooking Club
Our Portfolio
Health & Welness
It's hard to find a single team that understands the art and science of building a great business. For Magic Molecule, Squared Circles is just that and they've been right there with us from the start helping us build and shape our business.
Justin & Chelsea Kerzner, Founders Magic Molecule
Our Portfolio
Food & Beverage
Squared Circles is like The Commission. We chop it up at the round table, align on the mission and map out the vision. Then it’s off to the Kitchen.
Jon Gray, Founder Ghetto Gastro
Our Portfolio
Health & Welness
The team at Squared Circles are deeply talented and I see them as a true extension of my leadership team. They've pushed me and my team to build, scale and grow faster than we ever imagined.
Giorgos Tsetis, C.E.O. Founder Nutrafol
Our Portfolio

Squaring the Circle.

To “Square The Circle” is to do the impossible. Anyone can come up with an idea, but the true magic lies in the innovation journey itself. Leveraging a time-tested incubation playbook, we conceive, launch and scale highly innovative and sustainable consumer products grounded in bioscience that solve our Conscious Maximalist’s tensions and provide an uncompromising experience at price parity to incumbent solutions.


Turning Science into Culture requires more than one perspective. It will require many.

Whether you’re looking for a new role or excited to get in the trenches and build something from the ground up as a Founder-In-Residence, we’re always looking for exceptionally talented people to join our team in a variety of functions and capabilities.

Join our Squared Circles community.